Top Tip : Buy Good Proxies to Make Real Cash

Last Updated on September 23, 2024

Only Buy Good Proxies for Instagram, Ticketmaster, Supreme etc, if You Want Success

Writing a blog about proxies which has been around for many, many years does have certain advantages.  One of the most important is that you often become aware of some wonderful online money-making ideas, very early on.  The reason?  Well simply because almost any online opportunity which needs to be scaled will usually involve operating multiple identities in order to scale.  You can’t really do that without proxies.

Take for example the buying and selling of concert and sporting tickets or scalping as it’s often (somewhat angrily) referred to.  You know that you can resell that extra AC/DC or Bruce Springsteen ticket at a hefty profit online.  Yet you’re never going to become rich doing this, for one very simple reason – you’ve only got one spare and that’s only because your girlfriend dumped you!  But wait what if you could get your hands on 10, 20 or even a hundred of these tickets?  Multiply that nice little profit 100 times and you’ve got the basis of a full-time online career.

ticketmaster proxies

Work Online – You’ll Need Proxies

What’s more this career involves very little actual work and gives you loads of free time to enjoy your income.  Let me give you a rough idea of the daily tasks that the average, low level ticket scalpers will have to accomplish in order to make his income.

Research – this is going to be the most time consuming and possibly the most boring part of the job.  You need to be aware of all the opportunities, which are the hottest tickets?  When are they being released to the public? Where’s the best place to resell them – craigslist, eBay, fans forum or a ticket resale site?

Buying – probably the hardest part of the job?  You need to get hold of enough tickets to resell?  No tickets mean no profit and the tickets that provide the biggest returns are obviously scarcer and harder to get hold of.  Anyone who has tried to buy a ticket for an event like this knows how difficult it can be.  You are not just after a couple either you want much more than this!  However, the organizers of these events don’t like the resell market so will take extra care to limit purchases to a couple per person.  This is where proxies come in, without them you have no chance of buying any number.

Selling – the experienced operators know exactly where to sell these tickets for maximum profit, with minimum hassle.  The trick is to offload them quickly and easily making a decent (but reasonable) profit on each one.  A discrete, quick transaction is best not a high profile, aggressive online bidding war!  Repeat customers where you can sell directly too are perfect, which you don’t get by ripping people off.

This is of course just a simple example, although a perfectly legitimate one that does work.  The concept relies on buying something in short supply and reselling at a profit, nothing particularly clever.  Tickets for concerts is a pretty obvious one and indeed there’s lots of competition from people (and large firms) doing this.  However there are many variants on this idea and lots of completely different opportunities to make your living online too.   Once you start looking for these ideas, they are literally everywhere yet obviously original ideas tend to have much less competition.

Whatever the Angle – its Critical to Buy Good Proxies

Back to our little example, where most people fail in the ticket marketing niche (and anything similar) is actually buying enough tickets to make it worthwhile.   Many years ago it was perfectly feasible to take a couple of days off work, sit down by your computer and make multiple applications and grab yourself a few dozen tickets.  Unfortunately those days are long gone, most ticket e-commerce sites are packed with all sorts of technology designed to prevent multiple purchases.  This is the case for most websites where demand is high and supply limited.

So what’s to be done, how do you bypass these limitations and operate freely?  Well like most online money making activities the key is the ability to operate under multiple identities.  This doesn’t mean you have to act like an undercover spy with fake passports and disguises.  What you need to do is have complete control of your digital identity.  This is absolutely crucial and allows you to switch your IP address and connect to the websites multiple times and thus conduct as many separate transactions as you need.

The proxies serve two important functions –

  • Hides your real identity and location.
  • Provides alternative digital identities.

The name is actually very descriptive as they really do act as your proxy, with the right setup you can appear to be a wide variety of people accessing from completely different locations all without  moving from your computer.  So whatever function you need – be it buying stock from an e-commerce site, operating a bunch of Instagram or Twitter accounts or promoting your own website or blog – then it’s so much easier to do when you have multiple options.

residential rotating proxies

The key though is to make sure that these multiple identities are both trustworthy and respectable! If you use free proxies then even in the unlikely event that the servers are secure and safe, then the IP addresses will be definitely blacklisted because people will have been using them to spam across the planet.   Same goes for loads of commercial best proxy companies, it’s tempting to buy proxies cheap, but you’ll usually end up with a bunch of them which are loaded up with abused IP ranges that many servers block instantly.

Obviously, this greatly depends on what you’re doing with them, using blacklisted IPs addresses to manage your precious Instagram accounts won’t end well.  While E-commerce servers will routinely be checking for any addresses flagged to prevent fraudulent transactions too. If you’re just doing market research or using some automated SEO tool to promote your blog, then using some cheap IPV4 proxies may be just fine.

For most other activities, you need fast, well configured ninja proxy servers with decent IP addresses.

Residential Rotating Proxies Can Offer Quantity and Quality

One of the major detection steps that caused real problems for proxy providers is when sites starting to distinguish between the classification of IP addresses.  Previously the only things that were checked was location and whether the IP address was on any blacklists.   However, when Netflix started to block access from commercial IP address ranges, the big web companies noticed how effective this was at detecting the use of proxies and VPNs.   Almost overnight millions of people who used VPNs to access Netflix or change their Netflix region, were instantly blocked from the site.

Essentially what they did was to only allow access to IP addresses which were registered to residential addresses i.e home users.  Anyone else was restricted from accessing the site, it did mean that you couldn’t watch Netflix from work anymore but that was considered a small price to pay.  All the VPN and proxy services used commercial addresses because they simply didn’t have access to residential addresses.  Nowadays it’s a common check that servers perform to look up whether the inbound connection originates from a residential IP address.

It was a major shakeup to the proxy industry, virtually every online business opportunity needed to use the same IP addresses that home users used.  However they were very hard and expensive to obtain, you could pay a lot and still get access, but any sort of scale was extremely expensive.  Sure a few hundred dollars a month allowed you to buy residential proxy servers but they had to be dedicated too and very carefully managed.   Slowly the providers obtained more access to residential addresses however the cost didn’t fall much as they were still scarce.

The significant change was the development of rotating or backconnect servers which could automatically manage pools of residential IP addresses.  These could ensure that there was no concurrent access (multiple users on an address at the same time) while sharing the addresses among a larger number of subscribers.  Although this didn’t mean cheap residential proxies it did reduce the cost significantly, so they became much more affordable.

Buying Proxies for Specific Tasks

If you look at the different sections in one of my favorite companies, you’ll see that not only are the services split up into type, but they are also grouped into the specific tasks.  For people who just need proxies for a specific task then this is definitely the best method of selecting which service to use, here’s some of the sample types –

Buy Good Proxies

Why are these proxies so different?  Simply because they are specifically designed for the task that you need.  The problem is that the specific requirements for each task,  change all the time and it’s very difficult to keep track of the specific requirements.  Just take a look at anywhere Instagram marketers hang out and you’ll see they’re forever getting blocked, shadow banned and even deleted when managing multiple accounts.  The idea is that these servers are custom designed for each platform and have IP addresses specially curated for use with them.  So you can buy Ticket proxies for Ticketmaster and eBay proxies for eBay and so on.

Residential Proxies Usually Work Best

Some platforms require residential IP addresses, others look for concurrent connections and check blacklists, some will simply block addresses from different countries.  Certain activities like the SEO software category are not so restrictive and you can often just buy cheap proxy servers with standard IP ranges.  In fact, I commonly will use VPN client software for tasks like this where it’s not so important about sharing IP addresses or having one from a residential range and it’s a much cheaper alternative.  My suggestion is to try out Identity Cloaker and switch it to rotate IP addresses automatically every few minutes.  Another option for those seriously short of cash is to buy a proxy checker to use free services but don’t on any account connect directly to these proxies or browse through them.

It’s so very tempting to cut corners in your online businesses especially when starting out.  However, if you think you need proxies, and nearly all of us do, to make money online then don’t risk failing by using the wrong type.  Don’t focus on price as there’s only one way to lower costs dramatically and that’s by overloading, overselling or using ‘bad IP addresses’ any one of these will probably result in the failure of your online activities.  Find a decent proxy company and talk to them, tell them what you need, and they’ll advise.  These businesses only thrive with long term successful clients, so they need you to succeed as well – they can and will help.